Monday, March 31, 2014

Clean Your Coffee Maker!! {Spring Cleaning}

Good morning! I hope all of you had a fabulous weekend. I have one question for you today. How often do you clean your coffee maker? Yea, thought so... I'm embarrassed to say that mine does not get cleaned often enough.

If you don't clean your coffee maker regularly, it could be full of germs. Bacteria tends to grow pretty well in dark damp places, so imagine what the inside of that machine is like! In light of Spring and Spring cleaning, today I'm sharing tips to help you keep your coffee maker clean.

1) First, wipe down the entire coffee maker with a damp cloth.

2) Next, fill the coffee maker with equal parts of water and white distilled vinegar and place a clean filter in the filter basket. Turn the coffee maker "on" so that it brews. Allow the coffee maker to brew half of the solution, then turn it off and let it sit for one hour. Once the hour passes, allow the remaining solution to brew. After the coffee maker has finished brewing, brew a few cycles of plain water. Do this at once every few weeks or at least once each month.

3) Finally, wash the removable parts with hot soapy water, or run them through the dishwasher. Do this at least once a week.

So tell me, how often do you clean your coffee maker?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder. I definitely do not clean it enough. I should go clean it now but I am sure I will sit here and read a few blogs instead :)
    Visiting from chef-in-training.


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